
Moving onto year number 4! Being a business owner has taught me many things that I would have never learned from textbooks during my college years. I am grateful for the life lessons and people that Little Lamb’s Daycare has brought to me and ...

Happy holidays from our home to yours! Tis’ the season! Our little lambs were extremely busy this month creating the most magical and wonderful keepsake presents for their families! We cannot wait for everyone to open them on up! The photo ...

This is just a friendly reminder that our PJ Day, Pancake Breakfast & Christmas Party will be taking place tomorrow at the centre – during our afternoon lunch! Please have your little lamb come dressed in their most favourite ...

This is just a friendly reminder to all of the parents and families of Little Lamb’s Daycare to please have your leprechaun come dressed in something green tomorrow to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! The picture shown above was taken ...

This is a friendly reminder to all of the parents and families of Little Lamb’s Daycare that tomorrow is our pajama day at the centre. Please have your baby lamb come dressed in their most comfy and warm pajamas for this special day! The ...